What I'm reading blog
What books am I reading?? And what do I recommend? This list is updated periodically, so you can get new recommendations from me whenever you want!

Recommended for all time:
Symptoms of Being Human by Jeff Garvin-- This is probably my favorite book of all time. It doesn't have the most exciting plot you've ever read, but the voice and tone are more than fascinating enough to make up for it. Plus, this book resonates so much with me as a nonbinary person.
The Fifth Wave series by Rick Yancey--Some of the most interesting books I've ever read. This series has so many well-designed plot twists, and the multiple points of view are all masterfully written.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin--This series is the inspiration for HBO's Game of Thrones and a must for any fantasy fan. Yes, the world is incredible and complex and the plot twists will keep you up half the night, but the real reason to read this is for the characters. Every single one is complex and filled with flaws. The level of development that goes into making even minor characters unique is fascinating to read. Even if you've seen the show, the chance to get inside of each character's head makes the books worth reading (and much better than the show, if we're being honest).
What I'm reading 10/16/17
The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams